Every fall, the USC Sound Department holds a social gathering for staff, faculty and student assistants. I am a new student assistant (SA) for the 508 production class (Production Level 2) in sound instruction. This means I teach the production sound equipment and aid in teaching the post-production sound editing process. I made my own film, “Friday Night Fright,” during my 508 semester a year ago. I blogged about production here.

As a part of the Sound Day of Fun, Midge Costin, the 546 post-sound instructor I had last semester, takes everyone on a hike near her home in Topanga Canyon. Three of us showed up around 10am, and we walked to the top of the mountain. It was gorgeous!

After about an hour and a half, we went back to her house where the rest of the festivities continued. Everyone else showed up around noon because they were too afraid to go on a hike. We ate and told stories of our most outrageous jobs and biggest screw ups on a film set. The story winners won DVDs and the title of “biggest screw up.” Oddly enough, the past winners of “biggest screw ups” have always been professors…

I had a blast getting to know my sound professors and colleagues and look forward to possible sailing adventures with the sound department. Yes, we are that cool!