“Even when you’re pissing, you’re pitching.”

Hmmmm…. What??

Yeah, I made up that quote, and let me tell ya why…

I’m finalizing my education at USC film school, and the #1 thing I have learned is that you are always pitching yourself, and pitching your brand. Every person you talk to is a potential client or employer or collaborator. You’re always showing who you are as a filmmaker.

That one moment that you’re a bit off in how you pitch yourself could really cost you.

So, even when you’re pissing, you’re pitching.

I imagine that’s easier for guys to understand since they tend to talk to each other at bathroom stalls…right? Girls…well…we yell from stall to stall sometimes, so I guess that works!

But yeah, I’m proud of that quote šŸ™‚